martes, 27 de mayo de 2014

Errores mas comunes de los navegadores web

"403 Forbidden / Access Denied"
You do not have permission to access this directory or file. Maybe you should use a password to access this file or directory, or you may not have permission to access this directory or file from the network you are using.

"404 File Not Found"
The file specified in the URL was not found on the site. If you encounter this error after clicking on a link, that link may be broken. If you entered the URL, you may have misspelled, or the file or document you are looking got a new name, he was transferred or was removed from the site.  More Help

"503 Service Unavailable"
The site you are trying to open may be very busy or there may be a problem with your service. Visit the site later.

"Bad File Request"
There are errors in the HTML coding of the page you have open. Send a  mail to the website administrator.

"Can not Add Form Submission Result to Bookmark List"
You tried to save the results of a search as a favorite. Your browser does not allow you to save the results of your search as a favorite.

"Connection Refused by Host"
This error is similar to error "403 Forbidden / Access Denied". You do not have permission to access this directory or file. Maybe you should use a password to access this file or directory, or you may not have permission to access this directory or file from the network you are using.

"Failed DNS Lookup"
The specified domain in the URL could not be determined in an IP address. Check the spelling of the URL and then refresh this page. If you still see this error, check the site later.

"File Contains no Data"
website was found, but no details there. Refresh the page and if you still see this error, check the site later.  

"Helper Application not Found"
Your browser can not display a file submitted by the website, and no application wizard to get to see the file.

"HTTP Server at Compressed: 8080 Replies: HTTP/1.0 500 Proxy Error from "
This error indicates that there was an error with the proxy server. Refresh the page and if you still see this error, check the site later.

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